Corruption of champions gem farming
Corruption of champions gem farming

corruption of champions gem farming

Global campstarty := 580 vertical location of adventure start button Global campstartx := 850 horizontal location of adventure start button

corruption of champions gem farming

Global listy := 450 vertical location of desired adventure in list after scrolling Global listx := 450 horizontal location of the adventure list variables pertaining to manipulating the adventure list Global campy := 265 vertical location of the camp Global campx := 790 horizontal location of the camp Global grandselecty := 100 vertical location of the tour button Global tombselecty := 200 vertical location of the tomb button

corruption of champions gem farming

Global campselectx := 100 horizontal location of the tomb and tour buttons at the upper left of the screen USERS WILL NEED TO EDIT THE NEW LOOPS TO MAKE THEM USE THE FAMILIARS THE PLAYER HAS UNLOCKED Script now contains a subroutine to move familiars, and 4 new farming loops for varying numbers of familiars to ensure that it doesn't pick up the champions transitioning into the screen if you need to change it, pick at point as close to the left edge of the screen as possible and below the bottom-most champion this is the point the transition test will occur at a champion that will be used, it needs to be closed).

corruption of champions gem farming

limited ability to correct for autoprogress), and close the chat window if needed (the level up function will not scroll the roster, so if the chat covers Set level up mode to UPG, turn on autoprogress (though the script has Settings: Set your adventure map to show all, including completed adventures. Overall this allows for a sub 11 minute run, with no down time the script resets as soon as it reaches area 31. or click damage without missing anything, and allows it to click in the right place to pick up items as they drop and to open the boss loot bag as soon This allows it to know when it is 'safe' to level champions item drops, it utilizes a pixel-color detector to determine when the game is changing levels. To ensure the fastest boss kills, and to pick up It achieves this by levelling click damage and clicking automatically to kill enemies as fast as possible. This script is designed to farm gems and boss chest drops by automatically progressing through low level areas, then resetting and starting over the same mission

Corruption of champions gem farming